Welcome to QuantumChaos’s documentation!

This project contains samples of the code used to write the following articles:

  • Guy Zisling, Lea F. Santos, and Yevgeny Bar Lev, How many particles make up a chaotic many-body quantum system? SciPost Phys. 10, 88 (2021).

  • Guy Zisling, Dante M. Kennes, and Yevegeny Bar Lev, Transport in Stark Many Body Localized Systems arXiv:2109.06196.

The code can be used for two main purposes:

  1. Build Hamiltonian’s (matrix representations) of spin-chain systems (mainly “XXZ” chain).

  2. Examine the statical and dynamical properties of those Hamiltonian’s.

Link to the github repo:

Written by Guy Zisling.

Indices and tables

Math Intro

The “XXZ” chain can be written in terms of spin matrices using

\[\hat{H}=\sum_{j=1}^{L-1}\frac{J_{xy}}{2}\left(\hat{S}_{j}^{+}\hat{S}_{j+1}^{-} + \hat{S}_{j}^{-}\hat{S}_{j+1}^{+}\right)+J_{z}\hat{S}_{j}^{z}\hat{S}_{j+1}^{z},\]
where \(\hat{S}^{\{x,y,z\}}\) are the Pauli matrices times a factor of \(\frac{1}{2}\).

Usually, this type of systems can be classified into two distinct classes:

  1. Many-body localized systems (MBL).

  2. Quantum Chaotic systems (thermalizing systems).

Some key differences are:


Quantum Chaotic

Many-body Localized

Memory of initial conditions






Off-diagonal elements distribution


Sharp distribution




Entanglement entropy spreading



  • Static properties are usually examined by using the Hamiltonian eigen-basis, where \(E_\alpha = \left\langle {\phi_\alpha}\right .\left|{\hat{H}}\right|\left .{\phi_\alpha}\right \rangle\).

  • Dynamical properties are examined using the time evolution operator \(\hat{U}(t)=e^{-i\hat{H}t}\).

Building Hamiltonians

This module uses to build matrix representations of Hamiltonians.

The main logic behind the code is to represent the wavefunctions at an easy computational basis (and code it as binary numbers):

We start building the Hamiltonian matrix by generating this basis (either in basis of 10 or binary numbers array). If we take for example three spins (\(L=3\)) and one excitation (\(N=1\)), we get the following basis:
\[\left\{\left|\downarrow\downarrow\uparrow\right\rangle , \left|\downarrow\uparrow\downarrow\right\rangle , \left|\uparrow\downarrow\downarrow\right\rangle\right\},\space \left\{\texttt{[1,0,0]}, \texttt{[0,1,0]}, \texttt{[0,0,1]} \right\} \]

Now we can see how a term in the Hamiltonian operates on this wavefunction

Then we could match that output with the origin \(\texttt{[1,0,0]}\leftrightarrow\texttt{[0,1,0]}\), so the matrix representation of this term in this basis is:

\[\begin{split}\hat{S}_{0}^{-}\hat{S}_{1}^{+}=\begin{array}{c|ccc} \psi & \left|\downarrow\downarrow\uparrow\right\rangle & \left|\downarrow\uparrow\downarrow\right\rangle & \left|\uparrow\downarrow\downarrow\right\rangle \\ \hline \left\langle \downarrow\downarrow\uparrow\right| & 0 & 0 & 0\\ \left\langle \downarrow\uparrow\downarrow\right| & 0 & 0 & 1\\ \left\langle \uparrow\downarrow\downarrow\right| & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array}=\left(\begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array}\right)\end{split}\]

All matrices generated are at the size of the basis.

build_hamiltonian.matt0(n, Jx, Jz, basis, bc)

Generates the XXZ Hamiltonian

  • n (int) – number of spins

  • Jx (float) – xx interaction strength

  • Jz (float) – zz interaction strength

  • basis (np.array) – array of bits encoding the wave functions

  • bc (0 or 1) – boundary conditions 0 = open, 1 = close


xxz chain

Return type

sparse matrix

build_hamiltonian.matt0sz(i, basis)

Generates the operator \(\hat{S}^z_i\)

  • i (int) – location of the operator

  • basis (np.array) – array of wave functions, encoded in bits formation



Return type

sparse matrix

build_hamiltonian.matt_add_imp(H0, imp, h, basis, n=0)

Add a magentic impurity at a specific site of the chain \(h\hat{S}^z_{\textrm{imp}}\)

  • H0 (sparse matrix) – existing Hamiltonian

  • imp (int) – impurity location

  • h (float) – impurity strength

  • basis (np.array) – array of wave functions, encoded in bits formation


The initial Hamiltonian plus the impurity term

Return type

sparse matrix

build_hamiltonian.matt_add_jz(H0, n, Jz, basis, bc)

Adds \(\hat{S}^z_i\hat{S}^z_{i+1}\) interaction for an existing Hamiltonian

  • H0 (sparse matrix) – existing Hamiltonian

  • n (int) – number of spins in the chain

  • Jz (float) – interaction strength

  • basis (np.array) – array of numbers encoding the wave functions

  • bc (0 or 1) – boundary conditions 0 = open, 1 = close


The matrix \(\hat{H}_0\) with addition of \(zz\) interactions

Return type

sparse matrix

build_hamiltonian.matt_add_stark(H0, n, f, a, basis, bc)

Add a linear field of strength f to an existing Hamiltonian (stark potential).

\[\hat{H}_0\rightarrow\hat{H}_0 + \sum_{j=1}^{L}\left(\gamma j+\alpha j^{2}/L^{2}\right) \hat{S}_{j}^{z}\]

  • H0 (sparse matrix) – existing Hamiltonian

  • n (int) – number of spins in the chain

  • f (float) – linear potential strength

  • a (float) – curvature strength

  • basis (np.array) – array of numbers encoding the wave functions

  • bc (0 or 1) – boundary conditions 0 = open, 1 = close


The initial Hamiltonian plus the Stark potential term

Return type

sparse matrix


For utils used in more than one module.

The transformation between wave-function bits and integer representation is defined as following:

\[\vec{x}\rightarrow\sum_{i=L}^1(1-x_i)\cdot 2^{L-i}=\boldsymbol{\mathrm{int}}.\]

See legacy_utils for more information about this transformation.


Basis in bits to integers (e.g \(\texttt{[0,1,1]}\rightarrow\boldsymbol{4}\))


basis (np.array) – a list of bits that represents the spins (1 = spin pointing up, 0 = down)


an array of integers encoding the wave function

Return type


utils.blockex(n, j)

Generates a basis of n spins and j excitations (spins pointing up)

  • n (int) – number of spins in the chain

  • j (int) – number of excitations in the basis


wave functions basis in bits

Return type


utils.ordtobit(ord, n)

Integers basis to bits basis (e.g \(\boldsymbol{4}\rightarrow\texttt{[0,1,1]}\))

  • ord (np.array) – an array of integers that represents the spins

  • n – number of spins in the chain


a list of bits that represents the spins (1 = spin pointing up, 0 = down)

Return type



tz (float) – a time.time() output


a string with the time it took since the initial counter tz

Dynamical Tools

The cheapest way to calculate the time evolution of some operator \(\hat{O}\) is to use the ‘Dynamical Typicality’ concept (see Ref):

\[\frac{1}{\mathcal{D}}\text{Tr}\hat{O}\approx\left\langle{\psi}\right .\left|{\hat{O}}\right| \left .{\psi}\right \rangle,\]
and to use the Krylov time-space evolution, explained in the following Ref and built in scipy.sparse.linalg.expm_multiply.

briefly, instead of diagonalizing the full matrix \(\hat{H}\) in order to calculate the time evolution operator \(\hat{U}(t)=e^{-i \hat{H} t}\), one asses the time evolution by averaging over random states \(\left| \psi (t) \right\rangle = \hat{U}(t)\left|\psi(0)\right\rangle\), without explicitly calculating \(\hat{U}(t)\).

dynamical_tools.entropy(v, n, basis)

Calculates the entanglement entropy of a vector v

  • v (np.array) – vector

  • n (int) – number of spins in the chain

  • basis (np.array) – array of numbers encoding the wave functions


entanglment entropy

Return type


dynamical_tools.entropy_vs_time(H, n, basis, t, k, dt)

Calculate the entanglement entropy

  • H (sparse matrix) – Hamiltonian

  • n (int) – number of spins in the chain

  • basis (np.array) – array of numbers encoding the wave functions

  • t (float) – ending time of the calculation

  • k (int) – number of point to sample in time

  • dt (float) – time intervals for the Krylov time evolution


[time array, entangelment entropy array]

Return type


dynamical_tools.evol_kryl(H, v, dt, T)

Calculates the time evolution of a vector using Krylov sub-space

\[\vec{v}(t) = e^{-i\hat{H}t}\vec{v}\]

  • H (sparse matrix) – Hamiltonian

  • v (np.array) – starting vector

  • dt (float) – time interval

  • T (int) – number of steps



Return type


dynamical_tools.msd(H, n, basis, t, k, dt, seed=False)

Calculates the spins mean square displacement after a spin flip in the middle of the chain


  • H (sparse matrix) – Hamiltonian

  • n (int) – number of spins in the chain

  • basis (np.array) – array of numbers encoding the wave functions

  • t (float) – ending time of the calculation

  • k (int) – number of point to sample in time

  • dt (float) – time intervals for the Krylov time evolution

  • seed (bool) – fix the seed


time array, msd array, Gr profile array

Return type

(np.array, np.array, np.array)

Static Tools

Static properties are usually examined by using the Hamiltonian eigen-basis, where

static_tools.diag_elements(H0, n, basis)

ETH diagonal elements test, used to plot \(\left\langle {\phi_\alpha}\right .\left|{\hat{O}}\right|\left .{\phi_\alpha}\right \rangle\) as function of the energy \(E_\alpha\).

  • H0 (sparse matrix) – the Hamiltonian

  • n (int) – number of spins

  • basis (np.array) – array of numbers encoding the wave functions


normalized energies (from 0 to 1), corresponding diagonal element

Return type

(np.array, np.array)

static_tools.offdiag(H0, n, basis, dw=0.05, de=0.05, is_unfold=False)

ETH for off-diagonal elements test, used to identify the chaoticity of an Hamiltonian as a function of energy. Used to plot how close to gaussian dist are the off-diagonal elements \(\hat{O}_{\alpha\beta}={\left.\left\langle {\phi_\alpha}\right .\left|{\hat{O}}\right|\left .{\phi_\beta}\right \rangle\right.}_{\alpha\neq\beta}\) as a function of the frequency \(\omega\equiv E_{\beta} - E_{\alpha}\).

The gaussianity test is defined as \(\Gamma_{\hat{O}}\left(\omega\right)=\frac{\overline{\left|O_{ \alpha\beta}\right|^{2}}}{\overline{\left|O_{\alpha\beta}\right|}^{2}}\) which is \(\pi/2\) for Gaussian distribution.

  • H0 – Hamiltonian or eigenvalues and eigenvectors

  • n (int) – number of spins

  • basis (np.array) – array of wave functions, encoded in bits formation

  • dw (float) – size of frequency bins

  • de (float) – partial part of the spectrum that is being examined (from 0 to 1)

  • is_unfold (bool) – take unfolded eigenvalues


\(\omega\), \(\Gamma_{\hat{O}}\left(\omega\right)\)

Return type

(np.array, np.array)

static_tools.offdiag_dist(H0, n, basis, e_number=200, bin_num=200, normed=False)

ETH for off-diagonal elements test, used to plot the distribution of the off-diagonal elements of some local observable. return the histogram of \(\hat{O}_{\alpha\beta}={\left.\left\langle {\phi_\alpha}\right .\left|{\hat{ O}}\right|\left .{\phi_\beta}\right \rangle\right.}_{\alpha\neq\beta}\) built from e_number of eigenstates near the middle of the spectrum.

  • H0 (sparse matrix) – the Hamiltonian

  • n (int) – number of spins

  • basis (np.array) – array of wave functions, encoded in bits formation

  • e_number (int) – number of eigenvalues used to calculate the

  • bin_num (int) – number of bins for the histogram

  • normed (bool) – normalize by the system size and Hilbert dimension


an array with the histogram x,y data (same number of points at each axis)

Return type


static_tools.offdiag_stats(H0, n, basis, e_number=200)

ETH for off-diagonal elements test, used to plot the distribution of the off-diagonal elements of some local observable. return the variance and kurtosis of \(\hat{O}_{\alpha\beta}={\left.\left\langle {\phi_\alpha}\right .\left|{\hat{ O}}\right|\left .{\phi_\beta}\right \rangle\right.}_{\alpha\neq\beta}\) built from e_number of eigenstates near the middle of the spectrum.

  • H0 (sparse matrix) – the Hamiltonian

  • n (int) – number of spins

  • basis (np.array) – array of numbers encoding the wave functions

  • e_number (int) – number of eigenvalues used to calculate the


variance, kurtosis

Return type

(float, float)


A chaos matrix the arises from the eigenvalues spacing statstics

Defining the level spacing \(s_{\alpha}=E_{\alpha+1}-E_{\alpha}\) one can define the ‘r-metric’ by

\[\begin{split}\left\langle r\right\rangle \approx\begin{cases} 0.39 & \text{Poisson dist.}\\ 0.536 & \text{Wigner Dyson dist.} \end{cases}\end{split}\]


H (np.array) – matrix or eigenvalues


\(\langle r \rangle\)

Return type


static_tools.unfold(H, cut=2000, normed=False)

Returns the unfolded eigenvalues (used to remove the bais of the denisity of states in the level spacing statistics).

  • H (np.array) – a matrix or the eigenvalues of it

  • cut (int) – how many eigenvales to cut

  • normed (bool) – normalize the density of staes


unfolded eigenvalues

Return type


Legacy Utils

Old versions of some utils, that have been replaced with a more efficient src_code. This module is used for benchmarking, and educational purposes.

The main idea behind this module is that matrices are generating using Kronecker product (denoted by \(\otimes\)), this is much less efficient but a bit easier to grasp than the methods used in build_hamiltonian module.

For example, a term can be built as follow:

\[\hat{S}^z_i = \mathbb{I}_{2^i}\otimes \hat{S}^z \otimes \mathbb{I}_{2^{L-i-1}},\]
where \(L\) is the chain length, and \(\mathbb{I}_N\) is the identity matrix of dim \(N\).

Using this method the output is the matrix representation on the ‘computational basis’, for example for two spins (\(L=2\)):

\[\{\left|\uparrow\uparrow\right\rangle, \left|\uparrow\downarrow\right\rangle, \left|\downarrow\uparrow\right\rangle, \left|\downarrow\downarrow\right\rangle\}.\]

If we want to use only a sub-sector of the \(N=2^L\) matrix we need to code this basis into ordered numbers, to do so we use the following transformation

\[\left|\downarrow\uparrow\right\rangle=\texttt{[0,1]}=\sum_{i=L}^1(1-x_i)\cdot 2^{L-i}=0\cdot2^0+1\cdot2^1=\boldsymbol{2}.\]

For example if we want to take only the zero magnetization sector (where the same number of spins point up and down) out of the following matrix

\[\begin{split}\hat{S}_{1}^{z}=\mathbb{I}_{2}\otimes\hat{S}^{z}=\left(\begin{array}{cccc} 0.5 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & -0.5 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0.5 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & -0.5 \end{array}\right)\end{split}\]

We need to cut the following entries

\[\{\left|\uparrow\downarrow\right\rangle, \left|\downarrow\uparrow\right\rangle\}=\{\boldsymbol{1}, \boldsymbol{2}\},\]

so the matrix representation in this basis would be

\[\begin{split}\hat{S}_{1,\mathrm{basis}}^{z}=\left(\begin{array}{cc} -0.5 & 0\\ 0 & 0.5 \end{array}\right)\end{split}\]

legacy_utils.outerr(a, i, n)

Generate an \(2^n\) dim matrix representing matrix a in place i in the full hilbert space

  • a (np.array) – matrix

  • i (int) – location in the spin chain

  • n (int) – spin chain length


\(\hat{a}_i\) \(2^n imes2^n\) matrix repreesntation

Return type


legacy_utils.xxz_block_add_imp(H, n, imp, h, basis)

Add impurity to existing Hamiltonian \(\hat{H}\rightarrow \hat{H} + h\cdot\hat{S}^z_{\mathrm{imp}}\)

  • H (np.array) – initial Hamiltonian

  • n (int) – number of spins

  • imp (int) – impurity location

  • h (float) – impurity strength

  • basis (np.array) – an array encoding the wave functions


The Hamiltonian matrix H plus the impurity term.

Return type


legacy_utils.xxz_block_add_stark(H, n, f, a, basis)

Add Stark potential to existing Hamiltonian

  • H (np.array) – initial Hamiltonian

  • n (int) – number of spins

  • f (float) – linear potential strength

  • a (float) – curvature strength

  • basis (np.array) – an array encoding the wave functions


The Hamiltonian matrix H plus the Stark potential

Return type


legacy_utils.xxz_block_stark(n, Jx, Jz, f, a, basis, bc)

Generates the Stark Hamiltonian (xxz chain with linear potential)

  • n (int) – number of spins

  • Jx (float) – xx interaction strength

  • Jz (float) – zz interaction strength

  • f (float) – linear potential strength

  • a (float) – curvature strength

  • basis (np.array) – an array encoding the wave functions

  • bc (int) – boundary conditions (0 - open, 1 - closed)


the Stark Hamiltonian matrix representation on the basis given

Return type


Unit Test

Test module, to use it run python -m unittest -v src_code.unit_test.Test

class unit_test.Test(methodName='runTest')
classmethod setUpClass()

Initialize variables, creates XXZ matrices for benchmarking, diagonalize the matrices.


Make sure diag_elements runs properly and returns a tuple


Benchmark the addition of impurity


Make sure msd functions runs properly and return a tuple


Make sure offdiag runs properly and returns a tuple


Make sure offdiag_dist runs properly and returns an np.array


Make sure rfold is runs properly and returns a float


Benchmark the Stark potentials


Benchmark the basic XXZ matrices